Contact Pangborn

4630 Coates Drive
Fairburn, GA 30213-2975
United States
Call: (404) 665-5700
Toll Free: (800) 638-3000
Fax (404) 665-5701

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    Pangborn USA

    4630 Coates Drive
    Fairburn, GA 30213-2975
    United States
    Call: (404) 665-5700
    Toll Free: (800) 638-3000

    Pangborn Europe

    Pangborn Europe S.r.l.
    Via Enrico Fermi,
    75 - 21042
    Caronno Pertusella (VA) Italy
    P: +39 02 963 9951

    Pangborn Latin America

    Tangente 52 PI. PISO 5,
    Lomas del Tecnológico
    C.P. 78215, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P
    P: +52 (444) 4829837

    Centriblast Global Holdings

    Park Works, Bagillt Road,
    Greenfield, Holywell
    CH8 7EP
    United Kingdom
    P: +44 (0) 1352 712412
    F: +44 (0) 1352 710937
    Pangborn Agent

    Pangborn: Making an Impact
    A Leader in the Shot Blasting Solutions

    Pangborn provides superior shot blasting equipment and surface preparation solutions. Our sales, engineering, and service teams design best-in-class solutions, parts, and service that help our customers drive operational excellence, realize improved total cost of ownership, and increased profitability.

    Pangborn and Genesis are registered trademarks of Pangborn.

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