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Pangborn Opens State-of-the-Art Customer Technology Center

Ottobre 17, 2019

New Center in Fairburn, GA is a collaboration hub where Pangborn experts work closely with customers to bring shot blasting concepts to life

Pangborn, a leading supplier of shot blast and surface preparation equipment, announced today the opening of their state-of-the-art Customer Technology Center in Fairburn, Georgia. The new Center is designed for pre- and post-purchase evaluations, validation of modernization and process improvement designs, and internal research and development.

“We are excited to announce the opening of the new Customer Technology Center,” said Mat Loutzenheiser, VP Engineering. “The Center was developed with the customer experience in mind, a place for our customers and experienced engineers to work together to simulate machine configurations without interrupting normal operations. Our R&D and engineering teams will use the Center to continually improve our equipment and service.”

The Center is equipped with a multi-purpose room with a robotic arm and an interchangeable wheel to simulate a wide variety of applications. The multi-purpose room, as well as a set of standard machines, gives Pangborn the flexibility to quickly move from computer simulations to real-world testing and validation. Customers can also visit the Center for demonstration and training on a variety of shot blasting equipment and parts.

Febbraio 14, 2008

Pangborn Relocates to Georgia

Pangborn: Making an Impact
Leader nelle soluzioni di granigliatura

Pangborn offre soluzioni di preparazione delle superfici e di granigliatura di qualità superiore. I nostri Servizi Vendite, Tecnico e Assistenza progettano soluzioni all’avanguardia in grado di migliorare l’eccellenza operativa e garantire una riduzione dei costi di gestione e un aumento della redditività.

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