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Pangborn Signs Agreement With DeLong Equipment

Gennaio 14, 2010

Pangborn Corporation Signs Agreement With DeLong Equipment

Pangborn is pleased to have reached an agreement with DeLong Equipment Company. With locations in Atlanta, Georgia, and Duncan, South Carolina DeLong Equipment has a long-standing presence around the Southeastern United States with impeccable credentials as one of the foremost authorities in abrasive blasting. Touting a sales force of seven (7) and service staff of five (5), DeLong Equipment extends the reach of the Pangborn line by making it available to their existing and growing customer base. Furthermore, DeLong’s fully trained service representatives will be working to service, rebuild and upgrade blast equipment of any manufacture with the latest technology that Pangborn has to offer.

“We are excited that DeLong Equipment is part of the Pangborn family. Our high tech product line, along with their incredibly knowledgeable staff, makes for a great team approach to servicing manufacturing in the Southeastern United States,” says Greg Bowers, Pangborn Director of Aftermarket Sales.
About Pangborn Corporation

Gennaio 31, 2019

New Pangborn Brand Strategy

Pangborn: Making an Impact
Leader nelle soluzioni di granigliatura

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