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We are EXCITED to announce the promotion of Brian Hastings to Director of Sales for Pangborn Americas

Maggio 7, 2021

We are excited to announce the promotion of Brian Hastings as the new Director of Sales for Pangborn Americas!

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Brian Hastings from Regional Sales Manager to Director of Sales for Pangborn Americas. Brian has been with Pangborn for many years and has worked in and around the sales department. Over the years he has always inspired the team with his passion for all things Pangborn. During his tenure here, Brian has implemented protocols which have improved efficiency in the Sales Department and has frequently been recognized for outstanding achievement. Brian brings a wealth of experience to the Sales department, and we are excited about his new role at the company.

Please join us in congratulating Brian on his promotion and welcoming him to the new position!

Febbraio 14, 2008

Pangborn Relocates to Georgia

Pangborn: Making an Impact
Leader nelle soluzioni di granigliatura

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