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Pangborn Relocates to Georgia

Febbraio 14, 2008

Pangborn Relocates to Georgia

The Pangborn Corporation, a leader in the surface preparation industry, has moved to Fairburn, Ga., from Hagerstown, Md. The move allows for greater warehousing space and a larger workforce to keep up with demand for equipment, parts and service.

Pangborn designs, markets and services blast cleaning and peening equipment, integrated surface preparation systems and replacement parts, for industries that prepare the surfaces of metal and other products.

The new 60,000-square-foot facility will provide needed space for an expanded workforce and a larger supply of parts. With all parts housed under one roof, the central location will facilitate smooth shipping, allowing customers to get replacement parts faster. The increased workforce includes more inside salespeople along with onsite engineers and a larger warehouse staff.

“The centralized location will allow customers to get equipment and replacement parts faster, minimizing down time of their machines,” said Ken Dickson (President) “With more space for service personnel, we can continue to maintain the high service standards our customers expect.”

The close proximity to Atlanta, Ga., also will enable Pangborn to recruit talent from Georgia Tech, he said, in keeping with the company’s reputation for superior technology, design, engineering and service.

The new facility will house a full-sized blasting machine for product demonstration and testing purposes. The new equipment allows Pangborn to replicate a customer’s operational environment for testing rebuilds and retrofits.

Pangborn: Making an Impact
Leader nelle soluzioni di granigliatura

Pangborn offre soluzioni di preparazione delle superfici e di granigliatura di qualità superiore. I nostri Servizi Vendite, Tecnico e Assistenza progettano soluzioni all’avanguardia in grado di migliorare l’eccellenza operativa e garantire una riduzione dei costi di gestione e un aumento della redditività.

Pangborn e Genesis sono marchi registrati Pangborn.

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