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Pangborn Introduces Genesis  Blast Wheel Technology

Pangborn Introduces Genesis  Blast Wheel Technology Pangborn Corporation announces its innovative Genesis family of wheels. The Genesis family of wheels offers unmatched performance, better cleaning and significantly lower operating costs.…

Pangborn Merges with European Shot Blast Industry Leaders

Pangborn Merges with European Shot Blast Industry Leaders Capital Equipment Resources LLC, the parent of Pangborn Corp, a North American shot blast wheel manufacturer, has signed a final agreement with…

Pangborn Relocates to Georgia

Pangborn Relocates to Georgia The Pangborn Corporation, a leader in the surface preparation industry, has moved to Fairburn, Ga., from Hagerstown, Md. The move allows for greater warehousing space and…

Pangborn Announces Improvements to Skew Roll Machine

Skew Roll Machine Design Improvement Announced by Pangborn Pangborn Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of surface preparation equipment and service provider for the metals industry has improved the design of…

Pangborn Releases RIM-LOC Rotoblast Video

Benefits of Pangborn’s RIM-LOC Rotoblast shown on video Pangborn Corporation has created a video that shows the quick-change vane feature of the RIM-LOC Rotoblast wheel. Many users have purchased the…

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