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Etiqueta: Foundry

Pangborn Group – all around the industries

Pangborn Group - all around the industries In today's modern production technology you will find many processes, solutions and options to handle different work pieces in the surface technology. The…

Upgrading, rebuilding and modernization – Genesis Wheels

Upgrading, rebuilding and modernization - Genesis Wheels From the harsh conditions within foundries, to the high output requirements of the automotive industries, to the exacting tolerances of peening aerospace parts,…

Tailor-made Blast Technologies

Tailor-made Blast Technologies Nearly all areas of steel industries - even if it is the foundry industry, the automotive or shipyard industry or energy and power industry - needs tailor-made…

Versatile And Customized Shot Blasting Equipment

Versatile And Customized Shot Blasting Equipment COOLING AND FINISHING LINE FOR GREY IRON CASTINGS Pangborn Europe acquired an important order from a major Italian Foundry, Fonderie di Montorso, a leader…

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Pangborn: Making an Impact
Un Líder en las Soluciones de Granallado

Pangborn ofrece equipos superiores de granallado y soluciones de preparación de superficies. Nuestros equipos de ventas, ingeniería y servicio diseñan las mejores soluciones, piezas y servicios que ayudan a nuestros clientes a impulsar la excelencia operativa, lograr un costo total de propiedad mejorado y una mayor rentabilidad.

Pangborn y Genesis son marcas registradas de Pangborn.

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