New Center in Fairburn, GA is a collaboration hub where Pangborn experts work closely with customers to bring shot blasting concepts to life Pangborn, a leading supplier of shot blast…
Capital Goods Industry Veteran Joins Pangborn Group as Director of Equipment Sales Pangborn Group announced today that Dale Kroskey recently joined the company as Director of Equipment Sales for the…
Pangborn Corporation Signs Agreement With DeLong Equipment Pangborn is pleased to have reached an agreement with DeLong Equipment Company. With locations in Atlanta, Georgia, and Duncan, South Carolina DeLong Equipment…
Skew Roll Machine Design Improvement Announced by Pangborn Pangborn Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of surface preparation equipment and service provider for the metals industry has improved the design of…
Benefits of Pangborn’s RIM-LOC Rotoblast shown on video Pangborn Corporation has created a video that shows the quick-change vane feature of the RIM-LOC Rotoblast wheel. Many users have purchased the…
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