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Tailor-made Blast Technologies

Juli 1, 2015

Tailor-made Blast Technologies

Nearly all areas of steel industries – even if it is the foundry industry, the automotive or shipyard industry or energy and power industry – needs tailor-made solutions for their special requirements in surface preparing, cleaning or finishing of parts before undergoing further processing. There are many kinds of surface preparation, such as peening, deburring, cleaning, hardening, paint stripping, roughening or sand removal  – to name but a few. Best suitable applications for all those kinds for preparing work pieces are wheel and air blasting technologies.

Pangborn Group’s engineers are able to design for all of the before mentioned techniques and purposes customized machinery. It doesn’t matter is the dimensions of wished solutions are huge or small, as for to integrate in to an existing production line or as standalone process. Our engineers just need to know which kind of work piece should be prepared, on this it depends what kind of solution the customer needs. And the engineering process can begin.

In today’s modern production technology you will find many processes, solutions and options to handle different work pieces.

Foundry Planet (China), June 2015, 1 July 2015

Pangborn: Making an Impact
Führende Position bei Strahllösungen

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