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Forge Fair 2023, Cleveland OH

May 23 12:00am - 12:00am / Huntington Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio

The Pangborn team will exhibit at Forge Fair, in Cleveland Ohio. Stop by and see us!

Forge Fair, North America’s largest event dedicated exclusively to the forging industry, will return to the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio, May 23-25, 2023. More than 2,000 forging professionals from across the globe are expected to come to Forge Fair to learn about new products, make purchasing decisions and network with each other. From material selection to the shipment of finished parts, Forge Fair will showcase innovations in heating, tooling, equipment, testing, automation, conservation of resources, process and plant improvements and technology for all types of forging operations

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Pangborn: Making an Impact
Führende Position bei Strahllösungen

Pangborn bietet hervorragende Strahlanlagen und Lösungen zur Oberflächenvorbearbeitung an. Unsere Verkaufs-, Konstruktions- und Serviceteams entwickeln erstklassige Lösungen, Teile und Dienstleistungen, die dazu beitragen, dass unsere Kunden ihre betriebliche Exzellenz vorantreiben, die Gesamtbetriebskosten verbessern und die Rentabilität erhöhen.

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